Number of items : 38+

Number of groups : 7+

Number of descriptors : 32+

Number of states : 108+

Number of pictures : 525

The base is complete at 99.01%More

Index Item Complete description
1 Borasseae - Hyphaeninae - Hyphaene 100.0%
2 Borasseae - Hyphaeninae - Bismarckia 100.0%
3 Borasseae - Lataniinae - Borassus or Latania 100.0%
4 Borasseae - Lataniinae - Lodoicea 100.0%
5 Caryoteae - Caryota 100.0%
6 Caryoteae - Arenga (or Wallichia) 100.0%
7 Cryosophileae - Zombia 100.0%
8 Cryosophileae - Chelyocarpus 100.0%
9 Cryosophileae - Coccothrinax 100.0%
10 Cryosophileae - Cryosophila 100.0%
11 Cryosophileae - Thrinax 100.0%
12 Cryosophileae - Hemithrinax 100.0%
13 Phoeniceae 100.0%
14 Corypheae 90.63%
15 Sabaleae 100.0%
16 Chuniophoeniceae - Nannorrhops 100.0%
17 Chuniophoeniceae - Chuniophoenix 96.88%
18 Trachycarpeae - Serenoa 100.0%
19 Trachycarpeae - Brahea 100.0%
20 Trachycarpeae - Copernicia 100.0%
21 Trachycarpeae - Pritchardia 100.0%
22 Trachycarpeae - Washingtonia 100.0%
23 Trachycarpeae - Livistoninae - Livistona 100.0%
24 Trachycarpeae - Livistoninae - Licuala 100.0%
25 Trachycarpeae - Rhapidinae - Chamaerops 100.0%
26 Trachycarpeae - Rhapidinae - Trachycarpus 100.0%
27 Trachycarpeae - Rhapidinae - Rhapis 100.0%
28 Calamoideae (scandent) 100.0%
29 Calamoideae - Eugeissona 100.0%
30 Calamoideae - Lepidocaryeae - Raphia 100.0%
31 Calamoideae - Lepidocaryeae - Mauritia or Mauritiella 100.0%
32 Calamoideae - Lepidocaryeae - Lepidocaryum 100.0%
33 Calamoideae - Calameae - Metroxylon or Pigafetta 100.0%
34 Nypoideae 100.0%
35 Ceroxyloideae - Cyclospatheae - Pseudphoenix 96.88%
36 Ceroxyloideae - Ceroxyleae - Ravenea or Ceroxylon 96.88%
37 Ceroxyloideae - Phytelephas 90.63%
38 Arecoideae 90.63%

Empty description 0.25%More

Unknown description 0.74%More