Descriptor : identification within "subfamily" or "tribe"

Descriptor type : categorical

With this descriptor, you can choose the taxonomic unit that you want keep for the identification.

in all palm family

subfamily Calamoideae

subfamily Nypoideae

subfamily Coryphoideae

subfamily Ceroxyloideae

subfamily Arecoideae

tribe Chuniophoeniceae

tribe Borasseae

tribe Cryosophileae

tribe Trachycarpeae

without Arecoideae


identification within "subfamily" or "tribe"
    |_ general stem pattern (ex-von Mohl's classification)
    |_ wide metaxylem element
    |_ phytoliths
    |_ phytoliths distribution in central cylinder
    |_ fibrous part centrifugal differentiation
    |_ ground parenchyma sustained growth
    |_ ground parenchyma of the central cylinder
    |_ cortex
    |_ superficial protective layer (sub-epidermal)
    |_ tangential elongation and anticlinal divisions of subcortical parenchyma cells
    |_ radial elongation of the fibrous part (in subcortical zone)
    |_ fibrous bundles in central cylinder
    |_ fibrous part adjacent to the xylem
    |_ number of phloem strand
    |_ little fibrous vascular bundles (bridges)
    |_ radiating parenchyma
    |_ tabular parenchyma
    |_ metaphloem sieve plate
    |_ paravascular parenchyma

Belongs to the group