Descriptor : vascular zone position

Descriptor type : categorical

In the subcortical zone, some fvb present a vascular zone included between the auricular lobes whereas in the central zone, this vascular zone is excluded as observed in some Trachycarpeae.

Must be described on developed fvb (not on the fvb near the apex).

[legend of the figure]
A fibrous vascular bundle (fvb) with its different characters. AL = auricular lobe; AS = auricular sinus; dcap = fibrous dorsal cap; MS = median sinus; RP = radiating parenchyma; TP = tabular parenchyma; vasc = vascular; vcap = fibrous ventral cap.
a: Sagittata;
b: Cordata;
c: Complanata;
d: Reniforma;
e: Lunaria;
f: Vaginata.


vascular zone

included in the fibrous dorsal cap (between the two auricular lobes)

Included throughout the central cylinder


included between the auricular lobes


included between the auricular lobes


included between the auricular lobes

excluded from the fibrous dorsal cap

Excluded throughout the central cylinder.









excluded from the auricular lobes only in the central zone

And included in the subcortical zone.


exclude only in the central zone


exclude only in the central zone


exclude only in the central zone


exclude only in the central zone


exclude only in the central zone


shape of fibrous part in transverse section
 |_ vascular zone position

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